Three fishermen were doing their business in the sea. Unexpectedly, they got an ancient lamp. When they opened it, a genie came out and said he has the power to turn anything to gold. He urged them to ask one wish each. The first man thought for long and said,… Continue Reading Money Matters

Gandhi Blog Series #2 “There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed.” Gandhi Simplicity might be the most striking thing that set Gandhi apart from other world leaders. He lived, talked, and acted without pretensions. When public figures of the time sported expensive suits to… Continue Reading The Minimalist Gandhi

Long ago, there lived a righteous sage. Everyone in his village adored him and took advises from him. The villagers used to gather water from the village well. One day someone poisoned the water in the well. All those who drank from it turned insane and started doing absurd things.… Continue Reading Fool’s Paradise