Gandhi blog series #15 “I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step… Continue Reading Gandhi’s Talisman

Gandhi Blog Series #13 Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Gandhi In the last blog, we saw the moral, social, and political impacts of Satyagraha. The non-violent protest appeals to the goodness inside the oppressor and encourages him to see his mistake. The… Continue Reading Qualities of a Satyagrahi

Long ago, there lived a righteous sage. Everyone in his village adored him and took advises from him. The villagers used to gather water from the village well. One day someone poisoned the water in the well. All those who drank from it turned insane and started doing absurd things.… Continue Reading Fool’s Paradise

Okuden went to a zen master. Bowing respectfully he asked ‘Master, will you kindly accept me as your disciple?’ ‘Sure, but who are you?”, the master enquired “I am okuden.” “I didn’t ask for your name. I asked who you are!” the master said. “I am the son of the… Continue Reading The Identity Crisis

A King went to the forest for hunting with his troops. On the way, the chariot overturned and the king fell down, breaking his arm. Everyone lamented the ill fate. But the scholarly minister said, “there is no need to be sad, everything happens for good.” Enraged at this unsympathetic… Continue Reading Everything for Good

A zen master proclaimed his intention to visit the palace of the king, who happened to be his disciple. Hearing about his master’s arrival, the King made colorful arrangements to welcome the wise sage. On the day, a huge crowd including wise men gathered. The King himself waited at the… Continue Reading Laughing at Oneself

Sometimes it is great fun to travel on the wings of imagination and arrive at interesting conclusions. Here is an imagination game You are an explorer. While travelling in your personal space craft in a distant galaxy, you crash into a planet identical to earth. The only difference from earth… Continue Reading An Imagination Game

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Who am I really? What makes me, me? Am I actually the person that the society thinks I am? These are very difficult questions. But sometimes we have… Continue Reading Embracing the true self