Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. We may ignore Gandhi at our own risk.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

With his unique views on non-violent protest, self discipline and adherence to truth, Gandhi influenced masses. People trusted and followed his ideals. But eventually, his ideals were slowly forgotten and even ridiculed by modern generation. In the era of malice and violence, the short man in the loin cloth has a lot to teach us.

Once Albert Einstein said,”Generations to come…will scarce believe that such a one as this in flesh and blood ever walked upon this earth.” History has proven him right in due course. Gandhi is greatly misunderstood and even ridiculed nowadays mostly in his own native country.

When we look around in nature, humans are the only creatures who hoards stuff. Except for some insects like ants who gather to survive a harsh season, all living things abide by the nature’s law and consume the minimum resources for survival. The only contradiction is humans, who believes piling up resources for himself is the sole aim of his existence.

Coming to think about it, it is so uncanny, the deep revelations the deluge brought to the observer. The vanity of things that we hold dear in our lives, futility of a life time of effort, the need for true friends and so on. On contemplation, the disaster prompts us to reconsider our priorities in life. Wouldn’t it be better if we rebuilt the society without walls that separate and imprison us, throw away that ‘trespassers will be prosecuted’ sign from our egocentric lives and open up to be a loving and interdependent society that stays united in spite of all the differences.

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”     Theodore Roosevelt   Why is it… Continue Reading Dare to try the new!

Despite the great care companies take,  the employees seem to see through the conspiracy and realize that they are not free men. This estrangement of jobs from life has made the process of working gruesome and has become the toll payable for being alive Will there be a revolution in the recent future whereby jobs will acquire a different outlook and can be declassified from the category of slavery?

I have always been in love with rain. Growing up in Kerala, where more than one-third of the year is soaked wet, my childhood is filled with beautiful memories of downpour. We children used to play in the rain. We used to make paper boats. Some unfortunate ants were also assigned as sailors on the perilous voyage in the turbulent flow of rain water. After the rain, when the trees would be still dripping, we would plod through the cold and damp soil bare footed. Nothing created a stronger feeling of connection with nature. It was great fun.

The ‘time machine’ has been around ever since I can remember. It was there to welcome me when I was brought home as a newborn. It witnessed me running and playing around the house as a child. It was with me through my laughter and tears, my hectic exam schedules, through my graduation and other important moments in my life. Feeling ashamed that I am so ungrateful to such an old friend, I decided to know more about this antique and started enquiring about it. The more I found out, the more I became impressed.