Long ago, there lived a righteous sage. Everyone in his village adored him and took advises from him. The villagers used to gather water from the village well. One day someone poisoned the water in the well. All those who drank from it turned insane and started doing absurd things.… Continue Reading Fool’s Paradise

Okuden went to a zen master. Bowing respectfully he asked ‘Master, will you kindly accept me as your disciple?’ ‘Sure, but who are you?”, the master enquired “I am okuden.” “I didn’t ask for your name. I asked who you are!” the master said. “I am the son of the… Continue Reading The Identity Crisis

Food is a primary requirement. Hunger is the basic instinct that drives all living beings. Nothing can survive without the right nourishment. We who pride ourselves on being the most developed among all creatures, have long left our natural food and invented the process of cooking. With it, we effectively… Continue Reading From Gluttony to Meditation

A Jewish anatomy professor, condemned to live in Auschwitz concentration camp, couldn’t take any more torture and decided to end his life. The anatomy professor very well knew which vein to severe for a painless and quick death. But the room had poor lighting. To let more light in, he climbed up… Continue Reading Seasons of Life

When we look around in nature, humans are the only creatures who hoards stuff. Except for some insects like ants who gather to survive a harsh season, all living things abide by the nature’s law and consume the minimum resources for survival. The only contradiction is humans, who believes piling up resources for himself is the sole aim of his existence.

Coming to think about it, it is so uncanny, the deep revelations the deluge brought to the observer. The vanity of things that we hold dear in our lives, futility of a life time of effort, the need for true friends and so on. On contemplation, the disaster prompts us to reconsider our priorities in life. Wouldn’t it be better if we rebuilt the society without walls that separate and imprison us, throw away that ‘trespassers will be prosecuted’ sign from our egocentric lives and open up to be a loving and interdependent society that stays united in spite of all the differences.

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”     Theodore Roosevelt   Why is it… Continue Reading Dare to try the new!