Finding a quiet place inside
We cannot shut the world up, but we can shut it out!
A unique perspective on Spirituality, Philosophy and Love.
We cannot shut the world up, but we can shut it out!
How can we live without stress in a world of rat races? Marathon mindset may be the key.
What shapes our reality? Is it the inner world or the outer world? Interaction effect has some fascinating theories.
To walk off unattached is not easy. But it can indeed alleviate much pain from our lives.
Gandhi is a great inspiration for generations of pacifists and Truth seekers
Gandhi was a jovial person with an infectious sense of humor. Here are some of his famous quips.
Gandhi valued freedom above everything else. He believed people should become self-reliant to achieve complete independence
Gandhi, as spiritual being, had unique view on religions.
Gandhi blog series #15 “I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step… Continue Reading Gandhi’s Talisman
A person with a growth mindset keeps learning and perfecting himself throughout his life. He opens himself to new experiences and novel ideas. Thus achieving emotional maturity and intellectual and spiritual growth.
when ultra-nationalism is gaining prominence, it is good to know what Gandhian vision of nationalism and politics is.
We go to bizarre extents to protect our belief systems and icons. Is it really worth it?