Everyone has principles. We plod through life with the help of the light that shines from the philosophies we hold high. For some, it might be religion, for many, it might be science, some others health. These principles we lean on become part of our personality and essentially define who we are. But what can you do when your principles are questioned?

Doubtless, it is a difficult situation to cope with. However, life has the annoying tendency to test us with many storms. How we survive them defines who we are.

Recently I faced such a situation. Before you brace for a tragic story, let me assure you that it is not one. I just happened to ride my friend’s motorcycle and fell in love with it at once. I was considering buying myself the same model. Though I had a motorcycle, it was twelve years old, and the best days were behind it. It made sense to sell it and buy a better one.

But there was a problem. I am a minimalist. I do not buy into the idea of consumerism. Until something becomes absolutely necessary, I don’t purchase it. A motorcycle, a pricey one at that, struggles to fit the bill. Moreover, it might just be a fleeting fancy. If I let it control me, I might end up regretting it.

A test of resolve

The clash between principles and urges is as old as human history. It almost feels as if whenever someone clings on to a principle, the whole universe conspires to loosen his grip with temptation and drop him into the depths of self-hatred.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We should be able to stand strong in our resolution. Remember that our principles forcefully close the door to our urges, and hence, a powerful pushback is to be expected. Our resolve will surely be tested time and time again. What makes a difference is how you face the test.

Once you accept that you will be tested, you can be ready. Understand it as a test of your resolve. Don’t let the situation control you. Be calm and stand firm.

Should we never compromise?

However, I do not recommend perennial adamance. We have to update our decisions like we update the software of our mobile phone to a newer version.

When life flows forward, our preferences change. We should not cling to outdated resolutions that proved useful decades ago.

For example, imagine you had a 9 PM curfew as a teen. You need not adhere to it in your thirties and forties. The rule was intended to protect you in your teens, and will not do you any good even if you follow it to your thirties and forties. It needs to be revised.

Even if it is a life principle, we should constantly reevaluate it. For example, my minimalism should not transform all my responses into a blind ‘No’.

The intelligent way

A life without principles is like a ship without a captain. Winds of temptation can take it anywhere and can wreck it. It takes strength of character to steer it on the right path.

However, we shouldn’t tie up life to the harbor with outdated beliefs and ideals. Reevaluate our beliefs time and time again and keep relevant principles and discard irrelevant ones.

Oh, if you are wondering, I bought the motorcycle, a preowned one, at a lower price. Though it was a difficult decision, which I mulled over for more than a month, it turned out to be a good one, maybe because it was not the euphoria, retail therapy, or the greed for luxury but the need that prompted my decision.

But did I defy my principle of minimalism? Honestly, I don’t know.

Thank you for reading. Please post your comments below.

4 thoughts on “Should I listen to my guts or my principles?”

  1. It seems to me that the root of minimalism for most people is a desire to be at peace in their own life and to find joy in experiences without filling their lives with a lot of consumer goods.

    However, sometimes we have to buy a thing to have the experience. For example, I love to hike and take pictures but need decent hiking shoes and a camera to do that.

    It seems to me that this motorcycle will bring you joy – not through the act of owning it- but through the act of experiencing the ride. And when you strip away all the titles and rules we have for ourselves, isn’t that what life is all about?

    Just enjoy the ride.

    1. Totally agree. I came to this realisation only now. Thank you for your wise words.

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