“Change is the only constant”


“Who can articulate the truths of life better than Greek philosophers!” I wondered as my life was going through a change. The work contract with my client Microsoft ended abruptly, and with it the joy of being part of a world-class team and the comfort of working under my amazing manager Erga. My service firm will find another client for me for sure. However, the uncertainty surrounding the nature of work, the attitude of the new boss, and the amount of pressure are unsettling.

Though human life has become much better compared to the times of Heraclitus, the volatile nature of life and the uncertainty it brings remains the same.

Even with all the great leaps in science and relatively better security, we still live a life that can change in moments. Despite our belief that we are the omnipotent rulers of the earth, we are constantly haunted by death, diseases, and dysfunctional relationships. The recent pandemic taught us that even a microbe could at once penetrate our sense of security and bring the world to a screeching halt.

Change and uncertainty

Perhaps the second most unsettling thing in the world is uncertainty; the first of course is death. If we dare to think about it, death is the ultimate change. The ignorance and uncertainty of what comes after death make it scary. We are afraid of the unknown.

Though nature is filled with uncertainties and dangers in every corner, no other creature seems stressed about it. But as beings equipped with intellect, which is a double-edged sword, we ponder the future. And a future of uncertainties is unnerving.

If everything is going smoothly, or at least when we are ignorant of the impending changes, we are relatively happy. But once we have to face change, we feel apprehensive.

Fear of change is an evolutionary behavior. An unexpected change in weather, for instance, would have reduced the chance of survival for a prehistoric human. So we have come to fear them. In modern times, our instincts tell us to frown upon every change, big or small.

Dealing with change

Though it is difficult, it is not impossible to deal with change. If it were, we as a race would not have come this far. Here are somethings that we can do:

1. Accept uncertainty

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is… Knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.”

John Allen Paulos

We tend to think of life as predictable and safe. However, the opposite is true. In order to live, we have to learn to accept and live with uncertainty. Changing our outlook makes a difference. In my case, I need to make peace with the fact that clients keep changing, and working with a new client adds to my experience.

2. Think of how you dealt with uncertainty in the past

We are more resilient than we think. Reflect on when you had to deal with difficulties and draw courage from them. To paraphrase Kennedy, ‘Ask not what the change can do to you, ask what you can do about the change.’ If you have done this before, you can do it again.

3. Come out of your comfort zone regularly

Do not get used to being comfortable. Challenge yourself regularly. Take a new route for work, try a new sport, and learn something new. This will obliterate the fear of change.

4. Get out of your head

“I have had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

Mark Twain

We tend to complicate problems by overreacting and thinking of the worst-case scenarios. Research has proven that emotional turmoil is more damaging than the actual problem. Hence, do not get sucked into that inner vortex.

Embracing Change

Think of a situation where you know what would happen to you for the next 60 years. Each day you can predict what is going to happen.

Yes, it is safe and fun at first. But a couple of days later, you will start feeling like Hedgehog day—as if you are in a never-ending loop of knowns. There will be no surprises, no unexpected meetings, no serendipity.

So the constant change and the element of uncertainty add color to life. Once we master our worries, we can feel the fresh winds of change soothing our souls and leading us through new paths.

Let us embrace change!

Thank you for reading. I love reading your comments. Please post them below.

3 thoughts on “Change: The unstoppable constant”

  1. Great timing with this informative and helpful piece. Fear is such a negative obstacle, but we have to keep finding loopholes. Life isn’t easy for sure. Thanks.

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