Imagine you are enjoying a serene hike through Europe. It is the peak of Autumn. You are living your dream. Suddenly, a thorn pierces your foot. You are in agonizing pain. What would you do?

Obvious, isn’t it? Chop the leg off.

Many physicians from the pre-prosthetic era would strongly disagree. They go through the tedious process of getting the thorn out, stitching, dressing, and many other time-consuming and skill-requiring idiocies. But why?

Cut off the limb. No leg, no pain. Simple.

Decisive action is in vogue today. It gives instant results. Besides, who wants to take the pain to think deeply, act wisely, and wait patiently for a good outcome?

The world is progressing fast. No one can survive being mellow and slow. Bulldozer action is result-reaping and strength-flaunting.

This realization came only recently to our race. After all, we are still sweating and panting at the rungs of the evolutionary ladder, gathering novel ways of problem solving as we go further up.

Once tested, we saw that firm action is extremely effective; maybe only for a short time. But who cares about the long-term impacts anyway?

Recently, as this idea gained momentum, world leaders took notice. They realized that this logic could be elevated from a narrow realm to solve political conundrums.

For instance, it took the new nationalist wave to see that all the problems in USA were caused by immigrants. It took a strong-willed leader who could make iron-fisted decisions to deport them. Everything was done in a flash.

Miraculously, the moment the flight took off, all the problems in the US disappeared!

This pattern extends globally. Countries threw grueling bilateral talks out the window and opened their doors to war. Why waste time when you have a strong army? Look at the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia, and the civil wars around the world. Bombs obliterate all problems.

Many pacifists argue that decisive actions are violent. Maybe so. But what’s wrong with violence? We are a violent race. Always was, always will be.

Moreover, violence is the master key that can unlock all doors. It fits the keyholes of all problems—if used prudently.

So, how to exercise prudence? Put simply, wrap violence with tactics like rejection, diversion, feigning ignorance, etc. Thus disguised, we can slip violence through the scanner of morality undetected. It will save you.


Here, let me give you an example. Consider the problem of global warming. Our response should be one of rejection and teasing. If presented with irrefutable evidence, close your eyes and ears and chant, ‘It’s a hoax.’

Another tactic is diversion. Prodding the vulnerability of the masses is a good diversion technique. If you are in a country like India, where religious sentiment is high, you can rely on that.

For instance, if you are running for public office in the country, this strategy is your best bet. Hail God in election rallies, villainize specific communities, and go for meditation on election days at a holy place with your Public Relations experts. Don’t forget to post 4K pictures of you meditating on social media. You have effectively won the election. It works every time.

If someone questions you, proclaim that you are non-biological, an avatar, and hence immune to all questioning.

So politics is covered.

‘Can I use violence in my personal life?’ you ask. An emphatic YES. Success is guaranteed.

To achieve this you should act with passion. Make the most outlandish decision for every problem:
Family issues? Divorce. Mold infestation? Burn the house. Don’t like someone in the office? Slap him across his face.

Even if the decision is moronic, sell it with conviction. People respect passion.

No problem is too big, no issue too small—violence fixes it all.

The allure of violence is its resemblance to the delete button. It can erase anything in a moment. Every small and big discomfort can be solved if you have the guts to take willful action.

But sometimes Time presses the undo button. This is a flaw of violence, we have to admit. Time is its nemesis. It gathers pieces of the obliterated problem, glues them together and pops it up again, sometimes with greater force.

And Time doesn’t stop there. It also punishes the obliterators.

However, if everyone embraces violence, Time wouldn’t get a chance for retribution. As Time patiently gathers our dues, we would atomize the earth.

No earth, no retribution. Just cosmic silence. That’s the final victory of violence against Time itself.

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